7 يوليو 2024
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Defence systems at Iraq's Ain al-Asad air base, which hosts U.S. and other international forces in western Iraq, intercepted and shot down two drones while they were hovering near the base, an Iraqi security source said on Saturday
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Initial unconfirmed reports that Al-Harir Air Base, Iraq has been targeted in a drone attack
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims to have targeted and hit the Ain al-Assad base with a drone8 الشهر منذ
The "Islamic Resistance in Iraq" claims to have targeted and hit the Ain al-Assad base with a drone
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إعلام عراقي: هجوم جديد بالصواريخ على قاعدة عين الأسد بالأنبار
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رئيس وزراء العراق: صراع غزة قد يمتد إقليميا ويهدد إمدادات الطاقة
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شهود عيان : هجوم بطائرات مسيّرة عن بعد على قاعدة "الحرير" في مدينة أربيل حيث يتمركز عسكريون أميركيون
A rocket launcher was found after a rocket launched towards Victory Base in Baghdad Airport that hosts Coalition Forces
هـــام:nnاطلاق صاروخين من قبل الميليشيات في مطار بغداد، الأول تم إعتراضه من قبل الاميركان في قاعدة فيكتوريا العسكرية الأميركية المتمركزة في المطار ، والاخر سقط قرب احد الجدران المحاذية لمؤسسة أمنية عراقية هناك
قصف صاروخي يستهدف موقع فيكتوريا العسكري الأميركي في مطار بغداد
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US civilian contractor died of a "cardiac episode" while seeking shelter during drone attack at al-Assad airbase in Iraq yesterday, @PentagonPresSec Pat Ryder says
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"Clearly this is an uptick in terms of the types of drone activity we've seen in Iraq and Syria," @PentagonPresSec says about drone attacks against U.S. forces as regional tensions flare after Hamas attack
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البنتاغون: تصدينا لمحاولة استهدافنا بقاعدة عين الأسد الجوية بالعراق
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"المقاومة الإسلامية في العراق" تعلن استهداف قاعدة عين الأسد في الأنبار برشقة صاروخية "
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مصادر أمنية: طائرات مسيرة وصواريخ تهاجم قاعدة عين الأسد الجوية بالعراق وسماع انفجارات عديدة داخل القاعدة
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مسؤول أمني عراقي ودبلوماسي غربي: إحباط هجوم بطائرة مسيرة استهدف قاعدة حرير الجوية التي تضم قوات أميركية في شمال العراق
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Drone attack targeting US military base in Harir near Erbil. Militia group known as "Tashkil al-Warithin" declare a responsibility for attack and insist that attack was for support Aqsa Flood
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The U.S. military thwarted an attack targeting its forces in Iraq early on Wednesday, intercepting two drones before they could strike, two U.S. officials told Reuters...The one-way attack drones were intercepted as they attempted to strike Iraq's al Asad air base, which hosts American troops, the officials said.
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Hewlêr: A civilian was killed and 3 others injured, as result of Turkish attack in the vicinity of Hewlêr (Erbil) Governorate, Kurdistan Region (KRG). It was confirmed that they were residents of the Mexmûr refugee camp
An unidentified drone targets a car near Haybat Sultan mountain in Koya, resulting in one fatality and three injuries8 الشهر منذ
An unidentified drone targets a car near Haybat Sultan mountain in Koya, resulting in one fatality and three injuries
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The Turkish airforce has carried out an airstrike on Makhmour refugee camp in Iraq, elderly woman has been injured
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وزير الخارجية الإيراني: حرب إسرائيل ضد غزة تستهدف كل الفلسطينيين وليس حماس فقط
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Amid recent developments in Palestine, specifically in Gaza, Iran FM is expected to visit Iraq on Thursday, @IranNuances has learned. preparations are underway for more trips by Iranian FM to some other regional countries
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Soran. Fire breaks out in gas station
According to local sources, this evening, a Turkish citizen was killed by a gunman affiliated with the PKK in the Sangasar district of Rania, within the Sulaymaniyah province. He had been working in a salon in the city of Sulaymaniyah.8 الشهر منذ
According to local sources, this evening, a Turkish citizen was killed by a gunman affiliated with the PKK in the Sangasar district of Rania, within the Sulaymaniyah province. He had been working in a salon in the city of Sulaymaniyah."
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President of Turkey Erdoğan: "We will continue the intense air operations we have been carrying out for a while, showing that we will destroy members of the terrorist organization at any time and anywhere."
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Putin at meeting with Iraqi PM says the conflict between Israel and Gaza shows a 'failure' in US Middle East policy. And adds: "The damage to the civilian population must be minimized and reduced to zero, and we call on all conflicting parties to do so."
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Putin and Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani began negotiations
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المخابرات التركية تحيّد مسؤول وحدة الاغتيالات بتنظيم "بي كي كي" "إلياس بيرو إلي" في عملية بمنطقة سنجار شمال العراق
9 الشهر منذ
وسائل إعلام تركية: تقديم مذكرة للبرلمان بشأن تمديد مدة وجود الجيش التركي في سوريا و العراق
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وزير الطاقة التركي: خط أنابيب العراق وتركيا سيعمل اعتبارا من الأربعاء من دون عوائق أمام شحن النفط إلى الأسواق