7 يوليو 2024
A drone targeted a location in the center of Kalar city in Sulaymaniyah Governorate in Iraq, resulting in casualties according to reports
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The global coalition forces in northeastern Syria brought today a massive military support and bolstering military bases in northeastern Syria on a wider scale. Seven small cargo planes of the Boeing CH-47 Chinook CH47D type, belonging to the international coalition forces, landed at the American base at Kharab al-Jir Agricultural Airport in the northeastern countryside of Al-Ya'rubiyah, north of Al-Hasakah, coming from northern Iraq under the protection of helicopters.
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Iraq's Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) says preparations are underway for the Kurdistan Region's parliamentary elections and that a date will be set "in the next few days" - IHEC spox tells Rudaw's Sangar Abdulrahman
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Iran feared that the autonomy of factions within Iraq could potentially escalate tensions into armed conflict — NY Times
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Iran urged factions in Iraq to refrain from targeting US interests — New York Times
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المخابرات العراقية: تمكنّا من القبض على اثنين من "أخطر قيادات داعش" بعملية خارج الحدود
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TSK airstrikes in Akre and Hakurk and Metina
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وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن قتل 4 مسلحين من حزب العمال الكردستاني شمالي العراق
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Turkish warplanes are hitting PKK targets in the Akre region of Duhok in northern Iraq. There are dead
Turkish FM meets with Falih Alfayyadh, Chairperson of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (PMF).Minister of Foreign Affairs @HakanFidan met with Falih Alfayyadh, Chairperson of al-Hashd al-Shaabi, in Ankara4 الشهر منذ
Turkish FM meets with Falih Alfayyadh, Chairperson of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (PMF).Minister of Foreign Affairs @HakanFidan met with Falih Alfayyadh, Chairperson of al-Hashd al-Shaabi, in Ankara
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4 PKK militants detected in the Claw-Lock Operation region in northern Iraq were neutralized
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Iran's Oil Minister says the explosion of a gas pipeline in the southwest of the country is an “act of sabotage"
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TSK airstrikes in Akre and Metina and Hakurk
US will continue its operations in Iraq and Syria — Biden
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The military committee meetings with Iraqi officials do not include discussions about the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, according to the Pentagon's statement to Sky News Arabia
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وزير النفط العراقي: المفاوضات مع الشركات النفطية العاملة في إقليم كردستان باتجاه الحسم
Iran's proxy umbrella announces a full resumption of attacks on the U.S. in Iraq & Syria, seeking to expel it from the region.  The Islamic Resistance says painful strikes and broad attacks are forthcoming4 الشهر منذ
Iran's proxy umbrella announces a full resumption of attacks on the U.S. in Iraq & Syria, seeking to expel it from the region. The "Islamic Resistance" says "painful strikes and broad attacks" are forthcoming
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Initial assessments indicate more than 40 militants associated with Iranian proxy groups were killed in U.S. strikes in Iraq and Syria, says @PentagonPresSec
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مستشار رئيس وزراء العراق: الضربات الأميركية خرق غير مبرر للسيادة العراقية
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مستشار رئيس وزراء العراق: سنقدم شكوى إلى مجلس الأمن بشأن الضربات الأميركية
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التحالف الدولي: نتطلع إلى مواصلة المحادثات العسكرية مع شركائنا العراقيين يوم الأحد ومناقشة المرحلة الانتقالية لمهمتنا
"We have been reassured by United States officials.that there's not going to be any withdrawal [from Syria] anytime soon" SDF commander @MazloumAbdi tells reporters
Iran strongly condemned the assassination of the senior Kataib Hezbollah commander by the US in Baghdad, saying that Abu Baqer Al-Saedi was a senior commander in the fight against ISIS in Iraq. Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman condemned US’ killing of Iraqi resistance members as “a clear example of American state terrorism” and its “support for Israeli crimes against Palestinians”.4 الشهر منذ
Iran strongly condemned the assassination of the senior Kataib Hezbollah commander by the US in Baghdad, saying that Abu Baqer Al-Saedi was a senior commander in the fight against ISIS in Iraq. Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman condemned US’ killing of Iraqi resistance members as “a clear example of American state terrorism” and its “support for Israeli crimes against Palestinians”.
Turkish intel ‘neutralizes’ Yunus Demir, senior PKK terrorist in northern Iraq's Gara region, wanted by top category red notice4 الشهر منذ
Turkish intel ‘neutralizes’ Yunus Demir, senior PKK terrorist in northern Iraq's Gara region, wanted by top category red notice
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متحدث عسكري عراقي: ما يقوم به التحالف الدولي يدفع الحكومة أكثر من أي وقت مضى لإنهاء مهمته
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متحدث عسكري عراقي: التحالف الدولي يهدد بجر البلاد إلى دائرة الصراع
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متحدث عسكري عراقي: التحالف الدولي يتجاوز تماما الأسباب والأغراض التي وُجد من أجلها على أرضنا
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متحدث عسكري عراقي: القوات الأميركية تكرر وبصورة غير مسؤولة ارتكاب كل ما من شأنه تقويض التفاهمات
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رئيس الوزراء العراقي: الضربات الأميركية المتكررة الـ"غير مسؤولة" تهدد السلام المدني وتنتهك سيادة العراق
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USCENTCOM Conducts Strike Killing Kata’ib Hezbollah Senior Leader. At 9:30 p.m. (Baghdad Time) February 7, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces conducted a unilateral strike in Iraq in response to the attacks on U.S. service members, killing a Kata’ib Hezbollah commander responsible for directly planning and participating in attacks on U.S. forces in the region. There are no indications of collateral damage or civilian casualties at this time. The United States will continue to take necessary action to protect our people. We will not hesitate to hold responsible all those who threaten our forces’ safety