7 يوليو 2024
One-way attack UAS at logistics support base located at Tower 22 of the Jordanian Defense Network.  FORCE: Approx. 350 U.S. Army, AF personnel Mission: Conducting support functions ISIS operations  INJURIES: At least 34 + 8 required evacuation to higher level care5 الشهر منذ
One-way attack UAS at "logistics support base located at Tower 22 of the Jordanian Defense Network." FORCE: Approx. 350 U.S. Army, AF personnel Mission: Conducting support functions ISIS operations INJURIES: At least 34 + 8 required evacuation to higher level care
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Biden moments ago in South Carolina in response to the attack that killed 3 American soldiers, "We shall respond."
Intensive military fighter and reconnaissance aircraft activity, believed to be American, has been observed near the Iraqi-Syrian border on the outskirts of the Syrian city of Al-Bukamal
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WaPo: "The one-way attack drone struck the living quarters of a base, a defense official said, causing injuries ranging from cuts and bruises to brain injuries and some that required a medical evacuation." WaPo reports at least 34 inured
البيت الأبيض: تم إطلاع الرئيس بايدن ظهر اليوم على تفاصيل الهجوم على قوات أمريكية في الأردن قرب الحدود مع سوريا
From the White House: @POTUS and @VP ‘briefed by their national security team this afternoon on the latest regarding the attack on U.S. service members’. Blinken, Austin, chiefs of CIA, military, national security and national intelligence all on the call
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سي إن إن عن مسؤولين: عدد الجنود الذين أصيبوا في الهجوم يبلغ أكثر من 30 ومن المرجح أن يرتفع
Here we go:   The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) militias claim responsibility for the attack against U.S. troops at the Taji military base5 الشهر منذ
Here we go: The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) militias claim responsibility for the attack against U.S. troops at the Taji military base
President Biden says today the attack was carried out "by radical Iran-backed militant groups." "The three American service members we lost were patriots in the highest sense. And their ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten we will hold all those responsible to account
U.S. Central Command has now Confirmed the Death of 3 American Servicemembers and the Injury of at least 25 others in a One-Way Suicide Drone Attack on a Patrol Base near the Border with Syria and Iraq5 الشهر منذ
U.S. Central Command has now Confirmed the Death of 3 American Servicemembers and the Injury of at least 25 others in a One-Way "Suicide" Drone Attack on a Patrol Base near the Border with Syria and Iraq
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims responsibility for today's drone attack on Erbil airport5 الشهر منذ
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims responsibility for today's drone attack on Erbil airport
وسائل إعلام سورية: القوات العسكرية الأمريكية في قاعدتها بحقل العمر النفطي بـ ديرالزور تتصدى لطائرات إيرانية مسيرة تحاول استهداف القاعدة شرق سوريا
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Reports of a drone attack on Ain Alasad in Anbar
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The Islamic Resistance in a statement will not comply with the US and Iraqi negotiations, and will carry on with attacking US forces in Iraq and Syria untill a full coalition forces withdrawal
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دانة غاز: تعليق الإنتاج في منشأة خور مور في كردستان العراق بعد تعرض خزان سوائل للقصف بطائرة مسيرة
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More attacks tonight on the Kurdistan region of Iraq; gas field targeted in Sulimani and drone shot down in Erbil. US diplomats hunkered down in bunkers. Follows spate of attacks by Iran on Erbil last week. KRG blames Iran's proxies. Kurds want air defenses promised in NDAA
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Clashes broke out between Federal Police and a tribe in Maysan, southern Iraq
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هجوم بمسيرات على قاعدة عين الأسد في العراق
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وزير الدفاع الأميركي: خبراء عسكريون سيدرسون قدرات القوات العراقية لتقديم المشورة للجنة العليا بشأن التطور الأكثر فعالية لمهمة التحالف ضد داعش
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الخارجية العراقية: اللجنة العسكرية مع أميركا ستفضي إلى إنهاء مهمة التحالف العسكرية
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@SecDef announces the start of talks with the Iraqi government about the future of the U.S.-led mission to defeat ISIS.These talks have been expected since August, but come at a possible inflection point as regional tensions heat up
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US jets reported over western Iraq
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رويترز: واشنطن وبغداد بصدد البدء في محادثات على مستقبل الوجود العسكري الأميركي في العراق
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Up to 7 Kataib Hezbollah Iran proxy fighters were killed in yesterday's U.S. airstrikes in Iraq, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News. Two headquarters and an intelligence facility were destroyed, according to initial reports
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"المقاومة الإسلامية" تعلن استهداف 3 قواعد أميركية في العراق وسوريا
فصائل عراقية مسلحة تقصف بالصواريخ قاعدة حقل كونيكو الأميركية في سوريا
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US airstrikes hit KataibHezbollah in AlQa'im, JurfAlSakhar & 1 target in western Iraq, per a US military official
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Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada Secretary General Abu Ala al-Wala calls for the Islamic Resistance to begin the second phase of response due to the airstrikes conducted this evening. The second phase includes imposing a blockade in the maritime sector for Israel in the Mediterranean Sea
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CENTCOM confirms US airstrikes targeted three Iranian-backed Iraqi militia positions in Iraq after attacks in US forces. Targets included a Kataib Hezbollah headquarters as well as storage, and training locations for rocket, missile, and one-way attack UAV capabilities
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Initial report of a drone attack on Ain Alasad. Casualties reported