4 مارس / آذار 2025
6 الشهر منذ
واعد وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن مقتل 10 مسلحين من حزب العمال الكردستاني؛ بغارة جوية استهدفت أوكارهم في منطقة هاكورك شمالي العراق.
6 الشهر منذ
"البنتاغون" تحتفظ بحق الرد على الهجمات التي تطال القوات الأمريكية في سوريا والعراق
6 الشهر منذ
Iraqi Intelligence arrests key female ISIS member in Nineveh
6 الشهر منذ
Turkish airstrikes in Bradost
6 الشهر منذ
The Iraqi MFA has delayed the conclusion of the international coalition's military mission in Iraq due to the recent developments in the region — Statement
6 الشهر منذ
There are no US forces in Iraq other than military advisors — Iraqi MFA
6 الشهر منذ
وزير الخارجية العراقي: المنطقة ما زالت تحت فوهة النيران والعراق يقف ضد أي حروب
6 الشهر منذ
Turkish Ministry of Defense: 2 PKK/YPG militants detected in the Claw-Lock Operation region in northern Iraq were neutralized.
Guharze in the Amedi region is witnessing heavy clashes between the HPG and the Turkish military tonight - throughout the day the Turkish military carried out several air and artillery strikes in the region; including an airstrike in Slemani‘s Mawat region6 الشهر منذ
Guharze in the Amedi region is witnessing heavy clashes between the HPG and the Turkish military tonight - throughout the day the Turkish military carried out several air and artillery strikes in the region; including an airstrike in Slemani‘s Mawat region
6 الشهر منذ
There are currently around 40,000 US troops in the CENTCOM area of operation following the recent surge of military assets and forces to the Middle East. There are usually about 32,000 in the AOR, per Pentagon
Turkmen Front supporters demonstrated in Kirkuk today, protesting the formation of the local government, which they allege is illegitimate. Notably, many demonstrators were observed displaying the Grey Wolves or Bozkurt hand gesture, a symbol associated with pan-Turkic nationalism6 الشهر منذ
Turkmen Front supporters demonstrated in Kirkuk today, protesting the formation of the local government, which they allege is illegitimate. Notably, many demonstrators were observed displaying the "Grey Wolves" or "Bozkurt" hand gesture, a symbol associated with pan-Turkic nationalism
Tensions erupt in Kirkuk over appointment of the new governor and security forces beat demonstrators with sticks  - source AVA6 الشهر منذ
Tensions erupt in Kirkuk over appointment of the new governor and security forces beat demonstrators with sticks - source AVA
6 الشهر منذ
قصف التركي يطال 4 منازل ويدمرها في العمادية بدهوك
Iraq’s president on Tuesday issued a presidential decree officially naming PUK’s Rebwar Taha as governor of Kirkuk6 الشهر منذ
Iraq’s president on Tuesday issued a presidential decree officially naming PUK’s Rebwar Taha as governor of Kirkuk
6 الشهر منذ
رئيس الوزراء محمد شياع السوداني يتلقى اتصالا هاتفيا من وزير الخارجية الأمريكي
Initial report: A fire broke out in a refinery near Basra in Iraq.6 الشهر منذ
Initial report: A fire broke out in a refinery near Basra in Iraq.
6 الشهر منذ
TSK airstrikes in Akre and Metina and Hakurk
6 الشهر منذ
Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced that one citizen lost his life and eight citizens were injured, two of them seriously, as a result of the explosion of a mining operation service vehicle in the Silopi district of Şırnak. It was stated that the incident stemmed from hostility regarding the coal mine operating in the region.
6 الشهر منذ
Explosion in Silopi: There are dead and injured
6 الشهر منذ
Turkish Armed Forces claim to neutralise 17 PKK militants in Claw-Lock operational zone of northern Iraq
Should the US forces use the Iraqi airspace to carry out attacks against Iran or Iraqi people, we will not be bound by any restrictions, the coalition of Iran-backed Iraqi militants said in a statement, according to Hezbollah-affiliated @AlMayadeenNews6 الشهر منذ
"Should the US forces use the Iraqi airspace to carry out attacks against Iran or Iraqi people, we will not be bound by any restrictions," the coalition of Iran-backed Iraqi militants said in a statement, according to Hezbollah-affiliated @AlMayadeenNews
6 الشهر منذ
12 PKK militants identified in the Operation Claw-Lock region in northern Iraq were neutralized
Iraq exceeded its 4mn b/d Opec+ crude production target again last month6 الشهر منذ
Iraq exceeded its 4mn b/d #Opec+ crude production target again last month
واعد إصابة ثلاثة أشخاص؛ بعد اندلاع نزاع عشائري في قضاء الغراف شمالي محافظة ذي_قار.:
6 الشهر منذ
Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in the Zap Tepe Bahar region in northern Iraq
?بالصورة جهاز الامن الوطني يضبط محولات كهربائيه مسروقة من وزارة الكهرباء في منطقة كسرة و عطش بالعاصمة بغداد6 الشهر منذ
?بالصورة جهاز الامن الوطني يضبط محولات كهربائيه مسروقة من وزارة الكهرباء في منطقة كسرة و عطش بالعاصمة بغداد
واعد  وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن مقتل قناص ينتمي لحزب العمال الكردستاني يدعى سردار سونمز، في منطقة هاكورك شمالي العراق.6 الشهر منذ
واعد وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن مقتل قناص ينتمي لحزب العمال الكردستاني يدعى سردار سونمز، في منطقة هاكورك شمالي العراق.
6 الشهر منذ
Demonstrations are set to be held across seven Iraqi provinces on Thursday, protesting the highly-controversial bill to amend the Personal Status Law, which effectively would legalize child marriage among other things
6 الشهر منذ
?تحديث الشرطة البحرية اليونانية في بيان لها تعلن عن انقاذ 70 مهاجراً كردياً من شمال العراق في المياه اليونانية .
6 الشهر منذ
واعد وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن مقتل أحد جنودها؛ باشتباكات مع مسلحي حزب العمال الكردستاني في منطقة عملية "المخلب ـ القفل" شمالي العراق. :