The Iraqi government: We have fully implemented our financial obligations towards the Kurdistan region
1 سنة منذوزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن تحييد مسؤول في تنظيم "بي كي كي" يدعى "فريد يوكسل" شمال العراق
Kurdish residents of Kirkuk gather for a demonstration against the killing of four civilians during Saturday's protests which took a violent turn, while also calling for unity and coexistence among the disputed city's different components.
قائد عمليات كركوك: مقر العمليات المشتركة لا يزال تحت سيطرة الجيش
تلفزيون كردستان 24: مصرع شخص وإصابة 3 في إطلاق نار على متظاهرين في كركوك
الإليزيه: مقتل جندي فرنسي في العراق أثناء مشاركته في عملية مشتركة لمكافحة الإرهاب
الخارجية العراقية تعلن إطلاق سراح 3 عراقيين "مختطفين" في إيران
الأناضول: الاستخبارات التركية تعلن تحييد المدعو "بكر كينا" في تنظيم بي كي كي في محافظة السليمانية شمالي العراق والذي خضع لتدريبات على اغتيال عناصر القوات التركية
وزير الخارجية العراقي: وزير الخارجية التركي اقترح تشكيل لجنة دائمة لبحث ملف المياه بين البلدين
A French military trainer was killed in Iraq on Sunday during an exercise, the French presidency said
Norwegian oil company DNO has partly resumed production at its Tawke field in Kurdistan Region following months of stoppage, the European company announced on Thursday
New an unidentified drone targeted a car on road in Sulaymaniyah province, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, killed three people. This is the second attack in two days
Mala Karim Shukr, a Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) member of the Iraqi parliament survived an assassination attempt in Tuz Khurmatu, according to a statement from his office
New An unidentified drone targeted a car on road to Sulaimaniyah province, in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
ISIS claims responsibility for three operations against the SDF in Deir_ez_Zor Governorate, eastern Syria, and the Iraqi Army in Saladin Governorate in Iraq. The attacks resulted in casualties
Turkish Ministry of Defense: 3 "militants" from the "PKK" have been neutralized in the Zap region within the areas of Operation Claw in northern Iraq
Turkish bombardment of Metina mountain in the Kurdistan Region
وزير النفط العراقي: الخفض الطوعي لإنتاج الخام سيسهم في تعزيز استقرار سوق الطاقة العالمية
Iraq's pro-Iran armed faction Kataeb Hezbollah, accused by Israel of holding an Israeli-Russian academic, implied on Thursday that it was not involved in her disappearance
Liwa Ahrar Al-Iraq, a pro-Iranian militia, issues a statement clarifying that the 'final chance' offered by the Islamic resistance in Iraq to the government does not extend to the Turkish military presence in Iraq. They targeted the Turkish base in Batifa in Duhok earlier today
TAF warplanes hit points belonging to PKK in the Amadiya region in northern Iraq.
Iraqi forces arrest eight ISIS suspects, as a result of operations carried out based on intelligence information
1 سنة منذSadr supporters are trying to storm the Sweden embassy in Baghdad after allowing the Quran to be burned
Two Iraqi soldiers were wounded in a clash with suspected ISIS militants on Monday in Maryam Beg, southwestern Kirkuk. Attack comes hours after killing of 4 ISIS fighters in air strike & raid by Iraqi forces against IS hideouts in Tirkalan village. Soldier killed, officer injured
1 سنة منذWarplanes belonging to Turkish air force command carried out air operations against targets belonging to PKK in the Matin mountain range in northern Iraq
Kurdistan Region PM @masrourbarzani today arrived in Ankara to meet with Turkey's President Erdogan and other government officials on development of bilateral relations
Five billion dollars from Qatar to Iraq, a significant figure on the results of the visit of Qatar's Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani to Baghdad
Prime Minister: The government is working to establish special camps for the PMU outside the cities.
وكالة الأناضول: الاستخبارات التركية تحيد مسؤول الاتصالات في حزب العمال الكردستاني شمال العراق
1 سنة منذمراسلة سانا: وصول وزير التجارة في جمهورية العراق أثير الغريري والوفد المرافق له إلى مطار دمشق الدولي في إطار عقد اجتماعات الدورة الحادية عشرة للجنة المشتركة السورية العراقي