7 يوليو 2024
8 الشهر منذ
Asked whether there is any hesitancy to respond to Iran-backed groups' continued attacks on US forces, Pentagon spox says the attacks have not resulted in "significant" casualties or damage to infrastructure
Another attack is reported on the Conico gas facility in eastern Syria, where U.S. forces are stationed
8 الشهر منذ
أ.ف.ب: تعرّض قاعدة عسكرية بمطار أربيل في العراق فيها قوات أميركية لهجومين بـ3 طائرات مسيّرة دون إصابات
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تغطية صحفية.. الـمـ.ـقـاومـة الإسـلامـيـة في العراق: "استهداف قـاعـدة الاحـتــلال الأمـريـكـي في مطار أربيل، بطائرات مسيــّرة، أصابت أهدافها بشكل ".
Sabereen also claimed there was attack on Green Village base in Deir ez-Zor8 الشهر منذ
Sabereen also claimed there was attack on Green Village base in Deir ez-Zor
Footage from the Drone Attack tonight on U.S. Forces at Erbil Air Force Base in Northern Iraq showing the Impact of at least 1 Drone inside of the Fence surrounding the Base; in the Second Video after the Attack you can see the launch of a Raytheon “Coyote” Counter-UAS which is employed by the U.S. Military to Detect and Destroy any additional Incoming Drones8 الشهر منذ
Footage from the Drone Attack tonight on U.S. Forces at Erbil Air Force Base in Northern Iraq showing the Impact of at least 1 Drone inside of the Fence surrounding the Base; in the Second Video after the Attack you can see the launch of a Raytheon “Coyote” Counter-UAS which is employed by the U.S. Military to Detect and Destroy any additional Incoming Drones
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq released a footage of today's attacks on multiple US bases in Iraq and Syria8 الشهر منذ
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq released a footage of today's attacks on multiple US bases in Iraq and Syria
The so-called Islamic Resistance in Iraq says it revealed, today, for the first time, that a medium-range missile of the “al-Aqsa 1” model entered service, as it was launched to target the American bases in Iraq and Syria, including some other areas8 الشهر منذ
The so-called Islamic Resistance in Iraq says it revealed, today, for the first time, that a medium-range missile of the “al-Aqsa 1” model entered service, as it was launched to target the American bases in Iraq and Syria, including some other areas
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فصائل عراقية تعلن أن استهدفت 4 قواعد أميركية في العراق وسوريا
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The number of attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria rose significantly over the weekend, from 30 to 38 in total, according to @PentagonPresSec. Number of service members wounded also rose, to 46 in total, as troops continued to report injuries from the Oct 17-18 attacks
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Reports that Jordan intercepted a missile fired from Iraq towards Israel
Turkish artillery shelling on the village of Koherzi, located in Amedi district north of Duhok8 الشهر منذ
Turkish artillery shelling on the village of Koherzi, located in Amedi district north of Duhok
Iraq PM in Tehran: The recent crisis in the region is not the result of Al-Aqsa Flood operation in October 7 but the result of years of Israel's criminal policies against Palestinians including killing, forced displacement, illegal settlement policy and desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque8 الشهر منذ
Iraq PM in Tehran: The recent crisis in the region is not the result of Al-Aqsa Flood operation in October 7 but the result of years of Israel's criminal policies against Palestinians including killing, forced displacement, illegal settlement policy and desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque
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Another drone attack on Ain Alasad Airbase in Anbar, western Iraq.
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Both Ain Alasad and Harir base were targeted by suicide drones in Erbil and Anbar. The attack was simultaneous.
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A new rogue terrorist group called Al-Dhafuren claims responsibility for a mortar attack on Ain Alasad Airbase amid @SecBlinken visit to Baghdad. The attack was carried out by 4 81mm mortar shells
Ashab Al-Kahaf in a statement: all political solutions were useless, we are only left with military operations aganist US embassy and bases8 الشهر منذ
Ashab Al-Kahaf in a statement: all political solutions were useless, we are only left with military operations aganist US embassy and bases
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بلينكن للسوداني: تجب محاسبة المسؤولين عن الهجمات المستمرة ضد قواتنا
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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken makes surprise visit to Baghdad, Iraq says
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The Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted an American base, northern Hasakah
Islamic State claims it attacked Iraqi Army positions killing 12 soldiers and destroying 17 vehicles8 الشهر منذ
Islamic State claims it attacked Iraqi Army positions killing 12 soldiers and destroying 17 vehicles
The so-called 'Islamic Resistance in Iraq,' a grouping of militias and front groups of Iran, claimed an attack against an American base in northern Iraq8 الشهر منذ
The so-called 'Islamic Resistance in Iraq,' a grouping of militias and front groups of Iran, claimed an attack against an American base in northern Iraq
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Pro-Iranian militias in Iraq launch a rocket attack on US forces at Kharab Jir military base in Derik (Malikiya), northeastern Syria
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims that they have targeted Eilat, southern Israel early this morning8 الشهر منذ
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims that they have targeted Eilat, southern Israel early this morning
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Islamic resistance in Iraq group says they going to escalate their campaign (in attacking US bases in Iraq/Syria)
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An armed drone was shot down on Thursday over Harir military base hosting US forces in northern Iraq, two security sources said
The so-called 'Islamic Resistance in Iraq,' a grouping of militias and front groups of Iran, have claimed responsibility for attacking an American site next to Erbil airport. The statement cites the war in Gaza as the reason for the attacks8 الشهر منذ
The so-called 'Islamic Resistance in Iraq,' a grouping of militias and front groups of Iran, have claimed responsibility for attacking an American site next to Erbil airport. The statement cites the war in Gaza as the reason for the attacks
The Iraqi General Secretariat of the MOD in a secret  document, orders all Iraqi military divisions to implement number of measurements amid the possibility of a regional conflict8 الشهر منذ
The Iraqi General Secretariat of the MOD in a secret document, orders all Iraqi military divisions to implement number of measurements amid the possibility of a regional conflict
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The Kurdistan Region's Peshmerga forces and Iraqi army reached an agreement on the security arrangement on Mount Qarachogh in Makhmour district, a source confirmed to Kurdistan 24
Akram Al-Kaabi, the Secretary General of Nujabaa in a statement: the Islamic Resistance in Iraq took a decision to liberate Iraq from all foreign military presence, and there will be no standing down8 الشهر منذ
Akram Al-Kaabi, the Secretary General of Nujabaa in a statement: the Islamic Resistance in Iraq took a decision to liberate Iraq from all foreign military presence, and there will be no standing down