5 أكتوبر 2024
وزير الداخلية العراقي: يوجد عمل جاد لحماية الحدود بالكامل ومنع تجاوزات أي جهة
رئيس الوزراء العراقي: الاتفاق مع إقليم كردستان سيمهد لإقرار الموازنة
Prime Minister @masrourbarzani & Iraqi PM @mohamedshia signed the final agreement to resume oil exports through Ceyhan with a new strategy. Oil exports to resume today.nnThe new deal will be a big boost for the Iraqi oil and gas law to be approved soon by the Iraqi Parliament
"We will do everything within our powers to strengthen the Peshmerga and all its military capabilities," President Barzani said, speaking at a ceremony inaugurating the duties of two Peshmerga divisions
Today, Prime Minister @masrourbarzani will land in Baghdad to sign the final agreement with the Iraqi PM @mohamedshia to resume oil exportation through Ceyhan. The Kurdistan Region’s oil exportation through Ceyhan will resume today.
Iraqi PM stresses the need for Syria to return to the Arab League
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السعودية والإمارات والكويت وعمان والعراق والجزائر تخفض إنتاج النفط لأكثر من مليون ب/ي
1 سنة منذ
The attack against the US base took place at 1:38pm local time Thursday, per @DeptofDefense 2 of the wounded US troops were treated at the base. 3 other & the injured contractors were evacuated to medical facilities in #Iraq
Kurdistan PM @masrourbarzani has strongly condemned the killing of four Kurds in Syrian Kurdistan's Jindiris while celebrating Newroz, calling for justice and holding the responsible to account. SDF previously said a militia leader of Ahrar Al-Sham was responsible
80 Every neighborhood started arranging night patrols to protect it. PPL knew that the looters will come sooner or later. Some of us were armed. One bullet fired, and another series of fires followed. As if It was a new war. During day time, I used to walk around & talk to US
رئيس مجلس الوزراء العراقي محمد شياع السوداني يبدأ زيارة رسمية إلى تركيا غدا
SDF announces nine of its fighters have been killed in two helicopter crash while on their way to the KRI
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 6 km NNE of Ḩalabja, Iraq
العراق :  مخبأة في صناديق تفاح ،،، كشفت السـ.ـلطات العراقية عن ضبط أكثر من 3 ملايين حبة كبتاغـ.ـون دخلت من معبر القائم الحدودي مع سوريا، من جانب آخر لايزال معبر البوكمال _ القائم الحدودي يعمل بصورة إعتيادية1 سنة منذ
العراق : مخبأة في صناديق تفاح ،،، كشفت السـ.ـلطات العراقية عن ضبط أكثر من 3 ملايين حبة كبتاغـ.ـون دخلت من معبر القائم الحدودي مع سوريا، من جانب آخر لايزال معبر البوكمال _ القائم الحدودي يعمل بصورة إعتيادية
الهيئة نت مصادر صحفية: الميليشيات الطائفية تداهم عددًا من مناطق الطارمية شمال بغداد، والقوات الحكومية تعتقل مواطنين في الموصل وكركوك
Seven ISIS members were arrested in separate operations in Iraq
Baghdad: Two deputies in the Iraqi Parliament demanded the use economic pressure against Turkey, due to continuous of Turkey on cutting water towards Iraq, and said that Iraq entered a "critical stage"; due to water scarcity
A Turkish drone targeted the vehicle of a security officer from the YBS in central Sinjar, killing the officer and an accompanying guard.1 سنة منذ
A Turkish drone targeted the vehicle of a security officer from the YBS in central Sinjar, killing the officer and an accompanying guard.
1 سنة منذ
Pentagon, @CJTFOIR urging world not to underestimate a weakened #ISIS in #Iraq, #Syria ISIS " still has the ideal ideology to inspire and recruit members to its ranks, and it has the will to reconstitute" per @DeptofDefense Deputy Asst Sec for the Middle East Dana Stroul
The US is "concerned" that a threatened Turkish military operation in northern Syria would detract Kurdish forces from the fight against ISIS - Senior US official told Rudaw's @JBechocha during an online press briefing on Tuesday
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ISIS increases activity and claims responsibility for two separate attacks against the Iraqi army
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Turkish warplanes bombarded a vehicle near Khanasor, northern Sinjar
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مقتل 4 من الحشد العشائري في الأنبار غربي العراق على يد مسلحين مجهولين
Four U.S. servicemembers injured by an explosion in a raid in Syria last night targeting senior ISIS leader Hamza al Homsi who was killed says @CENTCOM "The U.S. servicemembers and working dog are receiving treatment in a U.S. medical facility in Iraq
مقتل 4 من الجيش والشرطة بينهم ضابطين و4 من عناصر التنظيم باشتباكات قرب الطارمية شمال بغداد
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استئناف العمل في خط أنابيب النفط الخام العراقي إلى ميناء جيهان التركي
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Kurdistan region suspend exporting oil to Turkey, the pipeline will be checked then the exporting process will resume— Goverment
In Baghdad, Iraq, demonstrations in Tahrir Square to criticize the collapse of the dinar & rise of prices
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Iraq PMF (Hashd) in Diyala Province: we have completed the largest anti-terrorism operation in Diyala since 2003. PMF, police, & aviation sweep large area 50 kilometers northeast of Baquba. 40 roads opened, orchards searched, & observation towers erected
وزير الخارجية السعودي: ندعم جهود الحكومة العراقية لتعزيز الاستقرار