9 مارس / آذار 2025
كيربي: العمليات العسكرية الأميركية في سوريا والعراق هدفها منع الهجمات المستقبلية
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Iraq report that Najaf International Airport is closed
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A US official tells the US is not looking into evacuating any bases in Iraq or Syria despite what rumors might be flying around
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فصائل عراقية مسلحة تعلن استهداف قاعدة عين الأسد في الأنبار بمسيّرة
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Initial reports of a drone/rocket attack on Ain Alasad Airbase in Anbar, western Iraq
الجيش العراقي: قرار بناء قدراتنا في الدفاع الجوي لا علاقة له بحرب غزة
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US now says 19 attacks have been carried out vs US troops since October 17 - with 3 new attacks today
President Joe Biden delivered a direct message to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei against targeting U.S. personnel in the region, the White House said on Thursday after American forces were attacked in Iraq and Syria
Sirens heard in Erbil currently following reports of rocket/drone attack
قصف يطال القوات الأميركية في قاعدة الحرير في محافظة الأنبار بالعراق
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فصائل مسلحة في العراق تعلن استهداف القوات الأميركية في قاعدة عين الأسد بطائرة مسيرة
Pro-Iranian Islamic Resistance in Iraq group claims responsibility for attack on US base at “Abu Hajar Airport - Kharab al-Jir” (most likely near Rumeylan)
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Global Coalition base in NE Syria's Rmelan attacked
إعلام عراقي: رئيس الوزراء أمر بتشديد الإجراءات لحماية البعثات الدبلوماسية
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A U.S defense official tells Fox News 30 US service members have been injured in drone and rocket attacks in the last week. These are minor injuries, the official said. Several service members suffered from TBI's, but have all returned to duty
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NBC: إصابة 25 عسكريا أميركيا الأسبوع الماضي في هجمات بمسيرات على قواعدهم بالعراق وسوريا
The True Promise Brigades, an  Iranian-tied militia says US bases in Kuwait and the UAE are now legitimate targets1 سنة منذ
The True Promise Brigades, an Iranian-tied militia says US bases in Kuwait and the UAE are now "legitimate targets"
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البنتاغون: القوات الأميركية في العراق تعرضت لأكثر من عشر هجمات وفي سوريا لـ 3 هجمات منذ 17 أكتوبر
Iran-backed militias in Iraq claim responsibility for targeting Ayn al-Assad airbase with rockets1 سنة منذ
Iran-backed militias in Iraq claim responsibility for targeting Ayn al-Assad airbase with rockets
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صاروخان يستهدفان قاعدة عين الاسد الجوية التي تضم القوات الاميركية في العرا
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Another rocket attack targets al-Asad airbase in Iraq which hosts U.S. and other international forces
بلينكن: طلبت من رئيس وزراء العراق ملاحقة المسؤولين عن استهداف قواتنا
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French President Emmanuel Macron proposed on Tuesday that an international coalition fighting against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria be widened to include the fight against the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza
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Counter terrorism forces of the Iraqi army are currently engaged in clashes with ISIS cells in Kirkuk region (autonomous region of Kurdistan)
US has intel that Iran-backed groups are planning to ramp up attacks on US troops in the Middle East as Iran seeks to capitalize on backlash to US support of Israel. There are "red lights flashing everywhere," official said
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وزير دفاع أميركا لرئيس وزراء العراق: يجب حماية أفراد ومنشآت التحالف
البيت الأبيض: هناك صلة ة بين الميليشيات التي تستهدفنا والحرس الثوري
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US, @DeptofDefense blaming drones & rockets attacks vs US troops in Iraq & Syria on "Iranian-backed groups" "We know that these groups are groups that are backed by Iran" per @PentagonPresSec. But "we haven't seen a direct order" from Tehran, he says
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"We have seen this increase in rocket & UAV attacks against our bases & our facilities in Iraq & Syria" per @PentagonPresSec "We are concerned about a broader escalation of these attacks in the days ahead"
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Pro-Iranian militias in Iraq launch a drone attack on Al Malikiya military base in Syria, housing U.S. military personnel