5 أكتوبر 2024
9 الشهر منذ
Iraqi forces arrest 12 individuals belong to ISIS in Nineveh and Sulaymaniyah provinces. The detainees confessed the affiliation with ISIS and were referred to the judiciary. Iraq
9 الشهر منذ
وكالة أنباء العراق: العراق والإمارات يتفقان على تمويل التجارة والواردات بالدرهم الإماراتي
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims responsibility for today's rocket attack on Al-Omar Field, eastern Syria
9 الشهر منذ
2nd drone attack on Ain Alasad in the past 2 hours
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq published a communique claiming responsibility for attacking an American position in al-Shaddadi, south of the Syrian city of al-Hassakah
9 الشهر منذ
Initial reports of a drone attack on Ain Alasad Airbase in Anbar
10 الشهر منذ
السفيرة الأميركية بالعراق: سنواصل دعم أجهزة الأمن العراقية لمواجهة التهديدات
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims responsibility for yesterday's 11 attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria.   Its Its worthy to notice that the Islamic Resistance in Iraq is the umbrella of Kataib Hezbollah, Al-nujabaa and Kataib Sayyed Al-Shuhadaa10 الشهر منذ
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims responsibility for yesterday's 11 attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria. Its Its worthy to notice that the Islamic Resistance in Iraq is the umbrella of Kataib Hezbollah, Al-nujabaa and Kataib Sayyed Al-Shuhadaa
Iraqi security forces found the rocket launcher that was used in Targeting US forces, eastern Syria. The launcher was found in Rabiaa, west of Mosul10 الشهر منذ
Iraqi security forces found the rocket launcher that was used in Targeting US forces, eastern Syria. The launcher was found in Rabiaa, west of Mosul
10 الشهر منذ
Four drone attacks foiled near Erbil airport, which hosts US and Coalition forces
2nd rocket attack on Al-Shadaddi base, eastern Syria
10 الشهر منذ
A suicide drone hit a civilian building in Erbil, causing no casualties - Erbil counter-terror directorate
10 الشهر منذ
هجوم صاروخي يستهدف قاعدة عين الأسد غرب الأنبار
10 الشهر منذ
اغتيال فاضل المرسومي مؤسس حزب الداعي بنيران مجهولين قرب مرور التاجيات في بغداد
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims responsibility for the 2nd attack on Ain Alasad Airbase in Anbar10 الشهر منذ
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims responsibility for the 2nd attack on Ain Alasad Airbase in Anbar
"We know that the attacks are coming from groups that are backed by Iran, supported by, resourced by the IRGC" Kirby, NSC Spox tells on the Iraqi militia attacks on the U.S. forces in the country
10 الشهر منذ
وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن مقتل 8 مسلحين أكراد في غارة جوية شمالي العراق
10 الشهر منذ
مسؤول عسكري أميركي: هجوم بطائرة مسيّرة على قاعدة تضم قوات أميركية في العراق
10 الشهر منذ
فصائل عراقية مسلحة تعلن استهداف قاعدة عين الأسد التي تضم قوات أميركية غربي البلاد
CENTCOM: At approximately 2:15 p.m. on Dec. 3, 15 122mm rockets originating in Iraq were fired at the U.S. base Rumalyn Landing Zone in Syria. There were no injuries to personnel or damage to equipment.Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve located the point of origin with uncrewed ISR assets and passed the location to Iraqi Security Forces who moved to and investigated the site. A fuel truck modified to launch up to 20 rockets was located at the site10 الشهر منذ
CENTCOM: At approximately 2:15 p.m. on Dec. 3, 15 122mm rockets originating in Iraq were fired at the U.S. base Rumalyn Landing Zone in Syria. There were no injuries to personnel or damage to equipment.Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve located the point of origin with uncrewed ISR assets and passed the location to Iraqi Security Forces who moved to and investigated the site. A fuel truck modified to launch up to 20 rockets was located at the site
10 الشهر منذ
مسؤول عسكري أميركي: نفذنا ضربة في العراق "دفاعا عن النفس"
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims they have attacked Ayn al-Assad air base with a drone today10 الشهر منذ
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims they have attacked Ayn al-Assad air base with a drone today
10 الشهر منذ
Iranian militia targeted the Al-Omar Oil Field military base & the Green Village east of Deir ez-Zur
مصادر أمنية للعربية: قصف مجهول يستهدف مقرات عسكرية للفصائل المسلحة العراقية في كركوك
5 Al-Nujabaa militants were killed by USAF airstrike in Kirkuk
المقا-ومة-الإسلامية في العراق تستهد-ف قاعدة خراب الجير بريف الحسكة برشقة-صاروخية كبيرة10 الشهر منذ
المقا-ومة-الإسلامية في العراق تستهد-ف قاعدة خراب الجير بريف الحسكة برشقة-صاروخية كبيرة
10 الشهر منذ
Pro-Iranian militias in Iraq launch an attack on the US military base in Erbil
10 الشهر منذ
الرئيس العراقي: نتخذ إجراءات لتسريع الاعتماد على الطاقة النظيفة
10 الشهر منذ
Petrol Tanker explode in Kani Qirzhala area western #Erbil.
10 الشهر منذ
Huge blasts heard in Kani Qirzhala area western Erbil. The reason is not known yet