2 سنة منذIranian attacks are an "unprovoked violation" of the Iraqi sovereignty, the German Consulate General in Erbil said in a tweet
Germany calling on Iran to "immediately cease" the attacks
2 سنة منذقضاء كويسنجق التابع لقضاء أربيل، يتعرض لهجوم بسيارة مسيرة مفخخة
Two people were killed and 7 wounded in Koya. Koya hospital calling blood donors to visit the hospital as the wounded are in need of it
2 سنة منذCivilians leave refugees camps after Iran's attacks against opposition sites near Koya in Erbil, Iraq
2 سنة منذThe footage below released by Iraq-based Kurdistan 24 shows "missiles targeting the KDPI headquarters in Koya district of Erbil"
2 سنة منذتوافد متظاهرين الى ساحة_التحرير وسط بغداد والسلطات تضع الكتل الكونكريتية على جسر الجمهورية
مسيرات إيرانية تقصف مقرات جمعية كردية في السليمانية شمالي العراق
2 سنة منذIran's artillery shells @KDPIenglish headquarters near Koya, Erbil northern Iraq
In Iraq, Coordination Framework: the 1st priority of the new government will be to expel US forces. Other priorities include closing the Haul refugee camp in Syria, eliminating ISIS sleeper cells, & closing security vacuums
Turkish warplanes bombard Duhok Governorate in Kurdistan Region of Iraq and cause power outage to about 20 villages
2 سنة منذIraq's oil ministry announced today the "start of trial operations" at the 140,000 bpd Karbala refinery- considered part of Iraq's refinery upgrade plans to address product imbalance & improve product yields.
2 سنة منذIslamic State (IS) Militants Targeted Iraqi Army Barracks with Machine Guns & Hand Grenades, in Simlawa Village, al-Dibis Region, Kirkuk Governorate, Iraq
In Iraqi Kurdistan, attacks by Turkish helicopters on PKK cause large fire in forests & agricultural lands in Dahuk Province. Fire fighting teams unable to reach area due to fighting
IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmaeil Qa'ani has arrived in Iraq on foot as part of Arbaeen pilgrimage, Sabereen News, a Telegram channel close to IRGC proxies, reported Monday night
Turkish warplanes strike PKK targets in the Matin mountains in northern Iraq
2 سنة منذDohuk: HPG Press center: A Radar outmilitary post belonging to Turkish army was destroyed in Kanî Masî sub-district of Duhok. 2 Turkish soldiers were killed, 2 radar Systems, and a surveillance camera destroyed
مستشار الأمن القومي العراقي: الكاظمي وجه القوات الأمنية لحماية السفارات والبعثات في البلاد
2 سنة منذIraq- A vehicle belonging to the PKK group affiliated Shingal Resistance Units (YBS) was targeted outside an Iraqi army base in Sinjar by an Turkish drone
المحكمة الاتحادية العليا في العراق تعلن رسميا رد الدعوى بشأن حل البرلمان وتعتبر الأمر خارجا عن اختصاصها
مراسل الجزيرة: القوات الأمنية العراقية بدأت إغلاق الطريق المؤدي للقصر الحكومي الذي يقع داخل المنطقة الخضراء
Today, the aircraft of the Iraqi_army carried out several strikes on ISIS positions in the Makhoul Mountains in Salah_al_Din Governorate
2 سنة منذIn Baghdad, A/S Leaf has already met with PM @MAKadhimi, President @BarhamSalih, COR Speaker @AlHaLboosii, FM @Fuad_Hussein1, Deputy FM @safia_alsouhail,female COR members, 100 @AuibSpace students at the American Space, Iraqi journalists, and entrepreneurs @thestationiq
Iraqi F-16 jets on Sunday killed a senior member of the Islamic State (IS) and two of his aides in the disputed Kurdish province of Kirkuk, a statement said
The Iraqi political parties participating in the "national dialogue" agreed to form a committee in order to resolve the outstanding issues, the prime minister's media office announced
مساعدة وزير الخارجية الأميركية: الانسداد السياسي ماهو إلا عقبة لتحقيق مصلحة العراق
مساعدة وزير الخارجية الأميركية: العراق لعب دوراً إيجابياً في الحوار بين واشنطن وطهران
رئيس البرلمان العراقي: تأمين المدن يجب أن يكون من مسؤولية وزارة الداخلية حصرا
2 سنة منذ12 tents of IDPs burnt Saturday in Bajid Kandala camp in Zakho district of Duhok northern province due to power circuit, locals told KirkukNow
2 سنة منذIn a new statement, members of the UN Security Council condemned the violence throughout Iraq on August 29 and 30 and "expressed deep concern over reported deaths and injuries."