Barham Salih has been elected as the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan's (PUK) only candidate for the Iraqi presidency, a member of the party's leadership council told Rudaw
We're deep into unprecedented territory with #Ghwayran. #IS supporters are mobilising more aggressively than I've seen in years—think disinfo campaigns and calls to shelter escapees, obstruct roads and burn stuff (for smokescreens)
3 سنة منذIraq's security forces deployed around Abou Ghraib and Taji prisons near Baghdad to prevent a suspected attack from IS to release detainees such as what happened in Hasakah
Popular_Mobilization_Forces thwarted an attack by ISIS, northeast of Diyala, as part of the approaches to Muqdadiya district, where a group of ISIS tried to attack the force's points and destroy a thermal camera in a village.
The Iraqi government has ordered tightening the security measures on the border strip with neighboring Syria after dozens of Islamic State (IS) militants said to have escaped a prison in the Kurdish city of Hasakah
The Iraqi federal police and security forces have been deployed to the Yezidi region of Sinjar which makes them responsible for the security of the area, said Kurdistan Region's Peshmerga Minister Shorish Ismail
بتنفيذ عملية واسعة لتطهير منطقة حاوي العظيم من القوات داعش نشطاء والحدود الفاصلة بين قيادات عمليات ديالى وصلاح الدين وسامراء، بإسناد من طيران الجيش والقوة الجوية، وسنوافيكم التفاصيل لاحقا
الخارجية الأميركية: داعش لازال يواصل محاولاته لزعزعة استقرار المنطقة
Iraq Army and PMF artillery targeted ISIS movements on the Salahuddin-Diyala provincial line
Enemy activity 10 ISIS spotted coming from Hamrin mountains to Mubaddad area in Salahuddin. Reports of 1 person being kidnapped
3 سنة منذIslamic State claimed the attack against Iraqi Army in Diyala and also released a photoset from the attack.
Northern Iraq: As a result of the coordinated work of the Turkish Armed Forces and MIT, 3 PKK militants detected in Avasin were neutralized with an air operation.
In Iraq, observers criticize the Defense Minister after ISIS kills 11 soldiers as they slept in Azim district in Diyala Province. What is the role of the Defense Minister
3 سنة منذStatement by US Embassy in Baghdad on the deadly ISIS attack on Iraqi forces in Diyala
3 سنة منذAccording to @amberinzaman, writing for @AlMonitor, the KRG has agreed to open the Semalka border crossing to vital humanitarian aid twice a month, following over a month of US mediation. Semalka has been closed to all traffic by the KRG since December 15
3 سنة منذالعراق: مقتل 11 جنديًا في هجوم لـ داعش على مقر السرية الأولى بناحية العظيم شمال ديالى
الرئيس العراقي برهم صالح: الهجوم الإرهابي في ديالى محاولة خسيسة وفاشلة لاستهداف أمننا
An ISIS attack in the Diyala Province killed 11 Iraqi soldiers
القبض على ضباط بالجيش العراقي بتهمة بيع أسلحة لجماعات مسلحة
In Iraq, 2 improvised explosive device attacks in Basra. One near security company & 2nd at housing area
انفجار عبوة ناسفة قرب مصرف وسط محافظة البصرة جنوبي العراق
An armed group affiliated with the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) has claimed responsibility for Tuesday's attack targeting a pipeline carrying Kurdistan oil to the Turkish port of Ceyhan.
A bomb attack on Wednesday evening targeted the office of the second deputy speaker of Iraqi Parliament in the disputed province of Kirkuk, no casualties were reported
3 سنة منذجهاز الأمن الوطني: قتل ثلاثة من قادة القوات داعــش بعد مداهمة وكرهم في منطقة شاطئ التاجي الأمن الوطني: الإرهابيون الثلاثة كانوا يرتدون احزمة ناسفة تم تفكيكها بعد قتلهم الأمن الوطني: المجموعة قتلت قبل يومين اثنين من ابناء الصحوات
3 سنة منذIraq's federal court to look into the complaints to challenge the constitutionality of the Parliament's first session. The appeal against the speaker's election was filed by Mashhadani, as well as another MP, Bassem Khachan
KRG's minister of natural resources claims that the Iraq-Turkey pipeline explosion happened due to electrical faults
Turkish airstrikes target villages in Duhok's Metina area, an official from Deraluk town told Rudaw
بعثة يونامي: ندين بشدة التفجيرات التي وقعت خلال الأيام الأخيرة في بغداد
وصول قائد فيلق القدس في حرس إيران الثوري إسماعيل قآني إلى النجف
3 سنة منذA grenade attack targeted a branch of Cihan Bank (related to Kurdish businesses) in Baghdad