5 أكتوبر 2024
Duhok Governor Ali Tatar told Kurdistan 24 that four persons were killed and 30 were injured in the Duhok gas explosion. Some of victims are heavily injured and the death toll is expected to climb
1 سنة منذ
"Over the weekend, we saw a wave of Turkish airstrikes in northern #Syria & #Iraq, & new reports of attacks by Syrian Kurdish forces into southern #Turkey" per @DeptofDefense spox
1 سنة منذ
@DeptofDefense "continues to oppose any military action that destabilizes the situation in #Syria or violates #Iraq's sovereignty through military actions uncoordinated with the Iraqi government" per Pentagon spokesperson re #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Kurds
نائب رئيس البرلمان العراقي شاخوان عبدالله: الهجمات الإيرانية تجاوز مرفوض وانتهاك للسيادة
Intense clashes between revolutionary youth and forces of the terrorist mullah government in Piranshahr today
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سي إن إن ترك عن أردوغان: العمليات التركية في شمالي سوريا والعراق ليست محدودة بالقصف الجوي ونجري مناقشات بشأن عمليات برية
U.S. Central Command:Statement regarding Iranian strikes near Erbil, Iraq1 سنة منذ
U.S. Central Command:Statement regarding Iranian strikes near Erbil, Iraq
IS insurgents in Azim, Diyala governorate claim to have killed 2 Hashd al-Sha'bi commanders and 5 other militiamen with 3 IEDs targeting Hashd patrols, damaging 2 vehicles:1 سنة منذ
IS insurgents in Azim, Diyala governorate claim to have killed 2 Hashd al-Sha'bi commanders and 5 other militiamen with 3 IEDs targeting Hashd patrols, damaging 2 vehicles:
4 rockets targeting @Komala_english headquarters in Zargwez near Sulaimani north of Iraq1 سنة منذ
4 rockets targeting @Komala_english headquarters in Zargwez near Sulaimani north of Iraq
KDPI bases bombarded by Iran in Jazhnikan village, just 15 kilometers in northern Erbil
Four rockets targeted KDPI headquarters in Koya
Another strike point of TurAF on Teqil Bakl, south of Malikiyah. This target was pounded in february and seems this time completely destroyed1 سنة منذ
Another strike point of TurAF on Teqil Bakl, south of Malikiyah. This target was pounded in february and seems this time completely destroyed
There were Turkish air strikes in Sinjar, Karaçox, Qandil and Asos regions in Kurdistan Region/Iraq
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وزارة الدفاع التركية: تدمير 89 هدفا في ضربات جوية على مواقع المسلحين الأكراد في شمال سوريا والعراق
1 سنة منذ
وزير الدفاع التركي: عمليتنا في سوريا و العراق تهدف إلى ضمان أمان 85 مليونا في تركيا ومنع هجمات جديدة ضدنا
مصدر أمني بكركوك: مقتل 4 جنود عراقيين إثر هجوم مسلح على ثكنة عسكرية شمال شرقي المحافظة
U.S. Consulate in Erbil: U.S. Consulate General Erbil is monitoring credible open-source reports of potential Turkish military action in northern Syria and northern Iraq in the coming days.
1 سنة منذ
MIT neutralized Norşin Afrin, one of the women's organizations of the PKK, and 4 militants in an operation in the Gara region in northern Iraq.
Three were killed and more than 9 others were wounded in an explosion in Kaziwa neighborhood in Sulaimani on Thursday
فرق الدفاع المدني تتعامل مع حريق بمطعم في صالة المغادرة بمطار بغداد الدولي
IRGC Quds Force Chief Qa'ani, who's visiting Baghdad, has sent a message - through the Iraqi president - to Kurdistan Democratic Party Leader Masoud Barzani about the presence of dissident Iranian Kurdish parties in the Iraqi Kurdistan, an informed source told @IranIntl_En
الخارجية العراقية: النهج العدائي والتجاوز الإيراني السافر على السيادة العراقية لن يكون عاملا للاستقرار
الخارجية العراقية: ندين ونستنكر بشدة الهجمات الإيرانية على إقليم كردستان
The US condemns the latest Iranian drone and missile attack on the Kurdistan Region, Washington's ambassador to Iraq, Alina Romanowski said, calling "on Iran to stop attacking its neighbor & the people of Iraq" - statement
بالفيديو.. تجدد الاحتجاجات الطلابية في جامعة السليمانية للمطالبة بصرف المنح المالية
The IRGC's attacks will continue until the terrorist groups are disarmed. Commander of Hamza Seyyed al-Shohada (AS): In today's operation, we targeted the militants' headquarters with missiles and suicide and combat drones. We also targeted the border headquarters with artillery.
Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on Monday morning heavily bombarded bases and headquarters of Kurdish opposition parties in the Kurdistan Region. Casualties were confirmed
Iran shelled bases belonging to Kurdish opposition groups in Koya district in Sulaimani on Monday (November 14). The attack resulted in casualties
UNAMI condemns this morning's Iranian missile and drone attack on the Kurdistan Region, calling on Iran and Iraq to engage in dialogue "over mutual security concerns" - statement
إيران: وزارة الخارجية: العمل العسكري ضد الجماعات الانفصالية هو ردٌ مشروع على انتهاك أمن إيران وحدودها ولحماية الأمن الوطني