Islamic State (IS) militants on Wednesday night carried out a fresh attack against the Iraqi Army forces in west of Kirkuk, with possible casualties not known yet
2 سنة منذبتوجيه من القائد العام للقوات المسلحة وبالتعاون مع صقور القوة الجوية العراقية وأبطال طيران الجيش العراقي. جهازُ مُكافحة الإرهاب يُنفذ ضربة جوية في قضاء تلعفر جبال شيخ ابراهيم. أسفرت العملية وفقاً للمعلوماتِ الإستخبارية الإستباقية عن قتل (٥) خمسة ارهابيين
موقع نت بلوكس: اضطراب في خدمة الإنترنت استمر يومين في كردستان إيران
بوريل: الشراكة الاستراتيجية بين الاتحاد الأوروبي ودول الخليج العربي أثبتت أنها منصة مهمة للطرفين
بوريل: سيادة ووحدة أراضي العراق يجب أن تكون محترمة من الجميع
A new attack of ISIS on "Albo Bali" village in Diyala governorate. Killing, wounding 14 civilians
At least eight Iraqi federal policemen were killed after a bomb struck their convoy southwest of Kirkuk, according to Reuters and Arab media
2 سنة منذمصادر أمنية عراقية: مقتل 7 من قوات الأمن العراقية في هجوم لتنظيم داعش الإرهابي
2 سنة منذفيديو.. الطائرات الحربيّة التركية تقصف موقعاً على جبل "كورژار" في قضاء العمادية بـ دهوك تصوير/ إقبال عمر
2 سنة منذHPG Press center: A group of Turkish forces was ambushed with IED, while attempting to advance into our battle positions at Şehîd Şahîn Resistance Area in Zap
حصري مقتل العراقي أبوعبدالله الراوي صاحب مكتب الحوالات في مخيم الهول بريف الحسكة. وأفاد أن الراوي قتل بطلق ناري من قبل سيدة يرافقها مجموعة من النساء ظهر اليوم الثلاثاء في محله الواقع داخل سوق الفيز الأول العراقي.
الجيش العراقي يعلن بدء تنفيذ إجراءات ضبط الحدود المشتركة مع إيران وتركيا
إعلام كردي: قتلى وجرحى جراء قصف على قرية "قاميش"في السليمانية شمال العراق
Turkey bombards Mawat town in Sulaimani province, causing civilian causalities- mayor tells Rudaw
Unidentified drone airstrikes target Asos mountain in Sulaymaniyah province, with preliminary reports indicate that a few people were injured, Kamaran Hassan, head of local administration in Mawat, told BasNews
داعش يعلن مقتل زعيمه أبو الحسن القرشي
According to ISIS, the late leader Abu Al-Hasan died while in the "battlefield" and killed some "enemies" before getting killed. He died without releasing audio or video recordings. The new leader might follow suit and stay behind the scenes to preserve his safety
2 سنة منذISIS announces its leader Abu al-Hassan Al-Qurashi has been killed in action, and declares Abu al-Hussain al-Hussaini al-Qurashi as its new leader.
Turkish Intelligence Organization (MIT) killed Fatma Onur, so-called intelligence officer of the terrorist organization PKK, with an operation in Sinjar, northern Iraq
Khamenei: Iraq's security affects Iran's security, and Iran's security affects Iraq's security. To safeguard Iraq, we will stand up firmly in front of any party seeking to undermine Iraq's security
Khamenei: Mr. Sudani, you said that based on your Constitution you wouldn't let any group use Iraqi soil to harm Iran's security. But attempts are being made to harm Iran's security in some Iraqi regions. The only solution is for Iraq's central govt. to exert its authority in those areas
Khamenei: Some are hostile to Iraq's progress. They may not express their enmity openly, but they do not respect Mr. Sudani's govt. Stand up firmly to the enemy's plans by relying on the ppl & on the young, motivated forces who successfully countered the vast, deadly risk of the Daesh
Khamenei: Solidarity & unity between Iraq's internal groups and making maximum use of the country's young, motivated forces are vital for Iraq to be able to claim its true position
Khamenei: Iraq is the top regional Arab state when one considers its natural & human wealth, & its cultural & historical background & civilization. But it has yet to claim its deserved, true position. It is hoped Iraq can progress and reach its real position under Mr. Sudani
Khamenei: We congratulate Mr. Shia' al-Sudani on his being elected as Iraq's Prime Minister. He is a devoted, competent person whose appointment as head of the Iraqi government is a source of pride
Khamenei: Iraq's progress and its reaching its honorable, rightful position is to the benefit of the Islamic Republic. We believe you are the person to sort out Iraq's affairs & relations to elevate the country to an independent position that is in line with its civilization & history
رئيس الوزراء العراقي: ملتزمون بالدستور الذي يمنع جعل العراق منطلقًا للاعتداء على جيرانه
Khamenei: Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani, and his accompanying delegation were received by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution just moments ago
رئيس وزراء العراق يؤكد على أهمية معالجة الملفات الأمنية ودعم الاستقرار في المناطق الحدودية مع دول الجوار
Iran has gave until 1st of December for Iraq to deploy security forces across the border to prevent anti government Kurdish forces activities. In the last meeting of Iraqi national security council @qassimalaraji asked KRG to deploy Peshmerga forces in the area