19 Септембар 2024
Портпарол израелске војске: Након узбуна које су пре кратког времена активиране у центру земље, откривена је ракета земља-земља која је прешла земљу са истока и пала на отворено подручје, нема жртава
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Израелски извештаји да је ракета земља-земља испаљена са истока ка израелској територији
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Turkish warplanes strike PKK targets in Galala district of Sulaymaniyah in northern Iraq
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Four top ISIS leaders were killed in Iraq during a raid late last month, including the head of manufacturing for the group and the leader of all operations in Iraq, the US military said Friday
Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian arrived in the city of Najaf, Iraq, following his visits to Baghdad, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah6 дан Пре
Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian arrived in the city of Najaf, Iraq, following his visits to Baghdad, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah
После посете Багдаду и Ербилу, ирански председник Масуд Пезешкијан допутовао је у Сулејманију
Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian formally invited KDP President @masoud_barzani to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran: Barzani Headquarters
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Амбасада САД у Багдаду потврдила „напад" у уторак, 10. септембра, на „дипломатски центар" на аеродрому
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Iraqi Prime Minister: I discussed with the Iranian President the importance of stability in the region
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Iranian President: We agreed to form a team of experts to develop strategic plans for broader cooperation between the two countries
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Iranian President from Baghdad: Israel continues to commit human massacres in Gaza and continues to violate human rights
The Islamic Republic of Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian visited Iraq on Wednesday on his first foreign trip. Here he is at the Soleimani memorial and being welcomed by the prime minister. They plan to sign 15 MOUs1 седмица Пре
The Islamic Republic of Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian visited Iraq on Wednesday on his first foreign trip. Here he is at the Soleimani memorial and being welcomed by the prime minister. They plan to sign 15 MOUs
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Iranian President: We agreed to form a team of experts from both countries to develop strategic plans for broader cooperation between the two countries
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Iraqi president Abdul Latif Rashid calls on Iranian counterpart Masoud Pezeshkian to reach satisfactory understandings on water sharing
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Kata'ib Hezbollah Iraq: Targeting Baghdad Airport at this time is carried out by suspicious hands and aims to disrupt the Iranian President's visit
Autonomous Region of Kurdistan: The Turkish military carried out an airstrike on the Makhmour refugee camp. The house of a refugee has been bombarded1 седмица Пре
Autonomous Region of Kurdistan: The Turkish military carried out an airstrike on the Makhmour refugee camp. The house of a refugee has been bombarded
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the killing of two members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, after they were spotted in the Kara region in northern Iraq.1 седмица Пре
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the killing of two members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, after they were spotted in the Kara region in northern Iraq.
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Turkish warplanes strike PKK targets in the Akre region of Duhok in northern Iraq
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Turkish Armed Forces military convoy spotted in Northern Iraq
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Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in Qandil
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Iraqi Prime Minister: We affirm our commitment to meeting the demands of the Iraqi people
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Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian is set to arrive in Baghdad on Wednesday. He will be signing several MOUs while in Iraq
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Reuters: Iraq, US reach understanding on plans to end US-led coalition mission
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3 killed as drone believed to be Turkish targets car in Sulaymaniyah province, Iraq
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Turkish airstrikes in Amadiya
Initial Iraqi and Syrian reports that a drone strike by an unidentified drone targeted a site near Al Bukamal near the Syria-Iraq border a little while ago
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Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that 5 PKK militants were neutralized in the Metina and Qandil regions of northern Iraq.
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PM Masrour Barzani is set to chair the weekly meeting of the Kurdistan Regional Government Council of Ministers. The agenda will include discussions on the unification of procedures related to the financial and accounting system between Baghdad and Erbil
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Islamic Resistance in Iraq claimed targeting the port of Haifa in Israel this morning, Wednesday, September 4, 2024, using drones
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U.S. govt-funded Arabic language broadcaster Al Hurra has cut 160 jobs and is merging its Iraq channel after a 20% budget cut mandated by the U.S. Congress