22 Reşemî 2025
Fermandarê Giştî yê Hêzên Sûriyeya Demokratîk General Mazlûm Ebdî bi Nûnerê Serokê Herêma Kurdistanê Mesûd Barzanî Hamîd Derbendî re civiya.
Iraqi Forces conducted airstrikes against ISIS hideout in Hamrin Mountains and killed 4 militants including 2 senior leaders. From the slain militants, Iraqi Forces captured a USA-made M16A4 rifle with Pulsar Trail 2 LRF Thermal scope —a notable status weapon
Serokê Herêma Kurdistanê Nêçîrvan Barzanî îro li Bexdayê li gel çend berpirsên Iraqê civiya û çend mijar gotûbêj kirin.
Wezîrê Karên Hundir ê Iraqê ji El-Hedath re: Em bi QSD'ê re li ser herêmên di bin kontrola wê de bi rêya koalîsyona navneteweyî re hevahengiyê dikin.
Iranian President: We held consultations with the Iraqi Prime Minister regarding developments in the region
Iraq PM is in Tehran for talks with Iranian officials
Mesrûr Barzanî: Îro li Enqerê min ligel Wezîrê Derve yê Tirkiyê @HakanFidan civiya. Me li ser geşedanên dawîn ên li Iraq, Sûriye û derveyî wê û rêyên kûrkirina peywendiyên bazirganî û sermayeguzarî di navbera Herêma Kurdistana Iraqê û Tirkiyê de, di warê enerjiyê de, nêrînên xwe pevguhertin.1 month ago
Mesrûr Barzanî: Îro li Enqerê min ligel Wezîrê Derve yê Tirkiyê @HakanFidan civiya. Me li ser geşedanên dawîn ên li Iraq, Sûriye û derveyî wê û rêyên kûrkirina peywendiyên bazirganî û sermayeguzarî di navbera Herêma Kurdistana Iraqê û Tirkiyê de, di warê enerjiyê de, nêrînên xwe pevguhertin.
CENTCOM: Ji 30ê Kanûna Yekem heta 6ê Çile, CENTCOM û hêzên Iraqî gelek êrîş li çiyayên Hemrînê yên Iraqê pêk anîn, û cihên DAIŞê yên naskirî kirin armanc. Di operasyonan de, çendîn caran çekdarên DAIŞê bi hêzên Koalîsyonê re mijûl bûn û di encamê de balafirên Koalîsyonê F-16, F-15 û A-10 bikar anîn. Balafirên A-10 ên ku ji bo piştgiriya hêzên bejayî yên li herêmê hatibûn wezîfedarkirin, di şikeftekê de çeteyên DAIŞ'ê ji holê rakirin. Yek ji endamên Koalîsyonê hat kuştin û 2 jî birîndar bûn ji du neteweyên cuda. Ti ziyan negihiştiye personelên Amerîkî û zerar li alavên Amerîkî nebûye. Ji 2ê Çile heta 3ê Çile, Hêzên Sûriyeya Demokratîk (HSD) ku ji aliyê hêzên CENTCOM ve hatine desteserkirin, operasyoneke D-DAIŞê li nêzîkî Dêrezorê li Sûriyê pêk anîn û di encamê de serkirdeyekî şaneke DAIŞê hat girtin.
Wezareta Berevaniya Tirkiyê ragihand, di operasyona ku li herêma Hakurkê ya li bakurê Iraqê hat lidarxistin de 2 PKKyî hatin kuştin.
Iraq's Oil Ministry states that no agreements have been made to supply Syria with crude oil
1 month ago
Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that 49 militants were neutralized in operations conducted in the last week, including in northern Syria and Iraq.
Iraqi Foreign Minister to his Syrian counterpart: Iraq is keen to return all members of its diplomatic mission to Damascus to continue their work
Yesterday evening, the Military Operations Department carried out a raid campaign on a number of homes in the town of Al-Hamdan in the countryside of Al-Bukamal, east of Deir Ezzor, after spotting a truck of weapons that members of the 47th Regiment militia were trying to smuggle into Iraq
An Iraqi delegation headed by Hamid al-Shatri, head of the National Intelligence Service, met with officials of the new Syrian administration in Damascus, confirms Iraqi government spokesperson Basim al-Awadi. "The Iraqi delegation discussed developments on the Syrian scene and the requirements for security and stability on the common border between Iraq and Syria"
Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that 4 PKK/YPG militants were neutralized in the Gara region in northern Iraq and the Euphrates Shield region in northern Syria.2 month ago
Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that 4 PKK/YPG militants were neutralized in the Gara region in northern Iraq and the Euphrates Shield region in northern Syria.
Iraqi Foreign Minister: We support the Palestinian cause and the ceasefire in Gaza
2 month ago
Turkish Ministry of National Defense: 6 PKK militants were neutralized in an air operation in the Gara region of northern Iraq
Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said in a phone call with his British counterpart: ISIS is reorganizing its ranks, as it has seized quantities of weapons as a result of the collapse of the Syrian army and its abandonment of its weapons stores, which has allowed it to expand its control over additional areas, and this will be dangerous for Syria and Iraq.
Houthis military spokesman: We carried out two operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq in Israel
The Iraqi side handed over the soldiers of the Fourth Division, affiliated with Maher al-Assad, to the new Syrian authorities.2 month ago
The Iraqi side handed over the soldiers of the Fourth Division, affiliated with Maher al-Assad, to the new Syrian authorities.
Iraqi Foreign Minister: ISIS is expanding its areas of control and reorganizing its ranks using weapons it seized as a result of the collapse of the Syrian army
Iraqi Prime Minister: Our diplomatic mission has started its duties in Damascus
2 month ago
Iraq announces the repatriation of Syrian soldiers ‘fled after Assad fall’ stationed in Anbar back to Syria
One person was killed and two others were injured in a fight that took place in Al-Fidaa neighborhood in the center of Nasiriyah city.
Iraqi Interior Ministry denies Maher al-Assad's presence on its territory
The Ministry of National Defense announced that nine PKK militants were neutralized in the Hakurk, Gara and Metina regions as a result of air operations conducted in northern Iraq between December 3-9.2 month ago
The Ministry of National Defense announced that nine PKK militants were neutralized in the Hakurk, Gara and Metina regions as a result of air operations conducted in northern Iraq between December 3-9.
2 month ago
TSK airstrikes in Akre and Metina and Hakurk
Iraqi Prime Minister: We support Syria at this important stage
US State Department: We are concerned about Iranian influence in Iraq
Iraqi Chief of Staff: We have reinforced the border forces with Syria with a defensive line of the army and the Popular Mobilization Forces