5 Кастрычнік 2024
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A commander of the Iraqi Hezbollah called Abu Haidar was targeted in a raid on the Damascus road
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Al Arabiya sources: Israeli raid targets Iraqi Hezbollah members on Damascus airport road
Iraqi Kataib Sarkhat Al-Quds announces the start of a new stage of operation aganist Israel2 тыдзень таму
Iraqi Kataib Sarkhat Al-Quds announces the start of a new stage of operation aganist Israel
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Turkish warplanes are hitting PKK targets in the Zap Tepe Bahar region of northern Iraq. Explosions occurred in the hit targets
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Islamic Resistance in Iraq: We targeted a target in Haifa in Israel yesterday, Tuesday, with a drone
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Al Hadath: Explosions reported at a Popular Mobilization Forces headquarters in the Al-Ghabat area of ​​Mosul, Iraq, coinciding with explosions of Hezbollah communications devices throughout Lebanon
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Israeli army spokesperson says a drone launched from Iraq was shot down by Israeli jets over the Sea of Galilee
Знішчальнікі-перахопнікі запушчаны ў раёне Тыберыяды2 тыдзень таму
Знішчальнікі-перахопнікі запушчаны ў раёне Тыберыяды
Drone threat infiltration alerts in Tiberias2 тыдзень таму
Drone threat infiltration alerts in Tiberias
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Jordanian Armed Forces Jordanian (@ArmedForcesJo) Foil UAV Infiltration Attempt: Today, the Southern Military Region intercepted and downed a UAV attempting to breach Jordanian airspace, in accordance with established rules of engagement. The incident is under investigation
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Spokesman for the Iraqi Commander-in-Chief: ISIS terrorist hideouts destroyed by airstrikes in Kirkuk and eastern Salahuddin
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US forces are no longer necessary in Iraq after they largely succeeded in defeating ISIS — PM Al Sudani
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Ісламскі супраціў у Іраку: мы нацэліліся з беспілотніка на мэту ў даліне ракі Ярдан у Ізраілі
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Iranian President: We want to improve relations with neighboring countries
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The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the killing of 5 members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, in air strikes targeting them in the Asos region in northern Iraq.
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Iraqi Kurdistan Counter-Terrorism Service: Turkish drone strike kills PKK member, wounds 2 in northern Iraq
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Clashes between protesters and Riot Police in Dhi Qar Governorate, southern Iraq
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An IED explosion hit a military vehicle in Tuz Khurmatu, injuring one Peshmerga. The incident took place while the Peshmerga forces were mopping up the area to remove ISIS remnants
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Camp Makhmour in southwest of Erbil came under a drone attack
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Iraqi Foreign Minister: Continuing Israeli war in Gaza will turn it into "fire that will consume the entire region"
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Armed factions in Iraq announce bombing a target in Haifa with drones
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Прэс-сакратар ізраільскай арміі: пасля абвесткі, якая была актывавана нядаўна ў цэнтры краіны, была выяўленая ракета класа зямля-зямля, якая перасекла краіну з усходу і ўпала на адкрытай мясцовасці, ахвяраў няма
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Ізраіль паведамляе, што ракета зямля-зямля была выпушчаная з усходу ў бок ізраільскай тэрыторыі
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Turkish warplanes strike PKK targets in Galala district of Sulaymaniyah in northern Iraq
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Four top ISIS leaders were killed in Iraq during a raid late last month, including the head of manufacturing for the group and the leader of all operations in Iraq, the US military said Friday
Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian arrived in the city of Najaf, Iraq, following his visits to Baghdad, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah3 тыдзень таму
Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian arrived in the city of Najaf, Iraq, following his visits to Baghdad, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah
Пасля візітаў у Багдад і Эрбіль прэзідэнт Ірана Масуд Пезешкіян прыбыў у Сулейманію
Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian formally invited KDP President @masoud_barzani to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran: Barzani Headquarters3 тыдзень таму
Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian formally invited KDP President @masoud_barzani to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran: Barzani Headquarters
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Амбасада ЗША ў Багдадзе пацвярджае напад у аўторак, 10 верасня, на дыпламатычны цэнтр у аэрапорце
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Iraqi Prime Minister: I discussed with the Iranian President the importance of stability in the region